57-59 Club Garden Rd, Sheffield, S11 8BU

Regather Board Member

Application Deadline: 30/04/2025
Start Date: 17/12/2024
Working Location: Regather Works, 57-59 Club Garden Road, Sheffield, S11 8BU


We are looking for individuals who are passionate about what Regather does and who want to support the organisation through providing strategic leadership. Regather is seeking additional Directors to join our current board of 4.


Board members contribute through Regather Board members meetings, including reading papers in advance of the meeting, through participation in a limited number of other meetings and our annual AGM. Board meetings are quarterly at Regather Works.


  • Our goals for membership are to promote democracy, inclusion and community in our organisation. As a Directors your responsibility would be to promote and champion the role of members in the organisation.
  • To be trustworthy and honest. To keep things confidential. Avoid conflicts of interest and respect collective decision making.
  • To read papers and be prepared for meetings. To ask questions and challenge when necessary. To ask advice from senior staff members and independent advisors.
  • To obey the law and ensure the organisation does
  • To ensure that Regather stays on mission and works towards its goal to benefit the community through democratising a sustainable food system. This involves land repair, carbon sequestration, high quality food production, low impact food delivery, food stability, fair employment, and cultural events.
  • Qualifications

    No set qualifications or experiences are required to be a director, but from time to time the board of directors may look to assess the diversity of skills and experiences within the current board and seek to recruit to fill certain gaps. The main qualification is a desire to support Regather to thrive, to be sustainable and adhere to the law and our values.

    Skills & Experience

    Desirable Skills

  • Being on a board of directors or trustees, or having worked in a senior management role.
  • Finance experience
  • Working Hours

    Attendance of quarterly Directors' meetings, usually 1.5 - 2 hours, + AGM attendance. (This role is voluntary and unpaid)

    Additional Information

    Other Benefits

    When joining as a Director, you are expected to commit to an initial term of 3 years.
    Regather is looking to establish a maximum serving term of Directors of 3 x 3 years before a Director would have to step down for at least one year. There is no penalty for stepping down early.

    Election Process

    Directors are democratically voted for at the Annual General Meetings and new Directors or those who have come to the end of their 3 year term who want to stand again, are voted on. Only Members can vote on the appointment of Directors.
    We also have the power to Co-opt Directors in between the AGM meetings, these Directors would then be up for formal election at the following AGM.

    Chair of the Board of Directors

    Regather operates a revolving Chair process – this means that Directors take it in turns to be the Chair at Directors meetings. The role of the chair is to:

    • ensure the full agenda is covered
    • keep time and move conversations along if they are overrunning
    • ensure all Directors are invited to speak and have had a chance to contribute
    • summarise and draw out conclusions and actions or recommendations
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