Use cherry tomatoes from the box in this yummy savoury pancake recipe by Meera Sodha
Tomato seedlings are growing vigorously in local greenhouses. Until they’re fruiting, we’re glad we have lovely organic toms in the veg box via our great suppliers. Here’s a dish by Meera Sodha (from the book ‘Fresh India’) for a leisurely weekend breakfast or lunch. An uttapam is like a cross between a pancake and a crumpet – what’s not to like!? Meera writes that these go well with coconut chutney. Or you could add some grated cheddar or crumbled feta on top of the cooked pancakes.
If you have access to a wild garlic patch, some foraged leaves would complement this dish. Grab a handful, wash well and drain. Chop them roughly, heat gently in a saucepan until just starting to wilt. Add them like a garnish to each finished uttapam on the plate.