57-59 Club Garden Rd, Sheffield, S11 8BU


You are Invited to Join Regather’s Membership

Regather is a co-operative of local people working to improve food and build community in Sheffield. We run an organic farm, veg box scheme, and many other community projects. We are inviting you to become a member and have an active role in our decision making processes.

Why Join Us?

Membership with us means you are part of our community. You will be entitled to voting rights on our strategic directions. You will have access to all membership events and first hand information about all of our community events. Your support will mean that our work has broader reach and more impact. 

How To Sign Up

You are eligible to purchase a £1 share in our cooperative if you are at least 16 years old and support our values and goals.

To apply for membership simply fill out the Membership Application form and send us £1 to purchase your share.
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Members Meetings

We host a calendar of member
meetings and socials. This is your
chance to
  • Connect with the other members of Regather
  • Ask questions and get answers
  • Share ideas and explore our
    collective potential. We can’t wait
    to hear your ideas.
  • Vote on a variety of issues that
    help direct Regather's activity and

What do Members do?

Our membership is the centre of the Regather Community. A group of people that not only believe in our mission to ‘improve food for Sheffield and contribute to a better, sustainable, shared future’, but actively want to participate in making that happen.

We’ll keep you up to date on what’s
going on so you can grow your
understanding of the whole project.
  • New proposals; we want your input on what we do next
  • Invites to all of our events; join the team in person
  • Updates about Regather’s latest activities; you will be in the ‘know’
  • Financial and Impact Reports and Accounts; transparency is key
copy of clem field cropped

People Power

We want the membership to facilitate a thriving community of people who meet up, help each other, and help the community.  We want our members to influence the kinds of activities we organise so that Regather can be a hub to connect and make change.

What might that look like? We want your opinions on the types of activities you would like to be involved in. This might mean:
  • Volunteering at the farm
  • Food growing workshops in Sheffield
  • Community meals and celebrations
  • Community apple pressing
  • Events featuring educational and entertaining speakers
  • Wildlife walks
  • Crowdfunding for new projects
  • Campaigning for change

Our Co-operative Principles and Values

We are dynamic, adaptable and continually trying to improve the work we do. As a Community Benefit Society, Regather adheres to the principles and values of Co-operatives. Co-operatives worldwide share a set of values that give them their distinctive character.

Autonomy & Independence

Member Economic Participation

Democratic Member Control

Education & Training

Cooperation among Cooperatives

Voluntary & Open Membership

Concern for Community

removing weeds

Member Responsibilities

  • All Members agree to participate in the Annual General Meeting and take an active interest in the operation and development of the co-operative and its business.
  • Members have a duty to respect the
    confidential nature of the business decisions of the co-operative.
  • Members have a responsibility to hold the Board of Directors accountable to uphold the values and principles of the co-operative.
  • As a Member you will influence the future of Regather and will be involved in the democratic process of shaping our food system.

Membership at Regather

All co-operative members hold certain rights and responsibilities. As a member of Regather co-operative you become an owner and are expected to support our values. The most important part of this is participating in Regather’s decision-making by voting at the Annual General Meeting every spring.

Member Rights

  • One person one vote - at meetings and on structural changes
  • Right to attend meetings of the membership
  • Right to vote for the Board of Directors at the AGM
  • Right to view and approve accounts and reports
  • All members have the opportunity to stand for a position as a Director

Membership Structure

Regather has a flat membership structure meaning every member has an equal vote and all members have the same rights and responsibilities. No one is required to be a member, but everyone over the age of 16 who supports the values of Regather is eligible for membership. We listen and are accountable to the concerns and interests of all of our members.
regather team about us

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors represents the membership in strategic decisions of the organisation. Directors hold responsibility to enact the will of the members and ensure the success of the cooperative. We are currently looking for new directors who have skills to contribute to the running of our organization. If you are interested in becoming a director please indicate this on your application form!

Objects of the Society

The objects of the Society shall be to carry on any business for the benefit of the community, in particular but not exclusively, by fostering community development and understanding around the importance of the local food system in Sheffield and how it works, in order to enable everyone to work together to democratically change their food system for the better. The Society shall be owned and controlled by its Members on a fair and equitable basis.

Join Our Team

See our current vacancies and learn about what it's like to work in our fantastic team.

Learn About Us

Discover more about our history, values and ethos as a cooperative movement.
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