57-59 Club Garden Rd, Sheffield, S11 8BU
Event, Regather

Launching our Community Apple Pressing 2020!

regather farm apple harvest web

The UK produces excellent crops of a wide variety of apples each autumn. But with so many apples being ready in one go simply scoffing them isn’t always an option. We want to make sure Sheffield’s urban apples don’t go to waste. So if you have any spare apples, just get them to us with one of the options outlined below and we’ll juice and pasteurise them! We offer some juice in return.

Email us at [email protected] or call us on 0114 273 1258.

We are open for apple drop-offs Mondays between 4pm and 7pm and Fridays between 11am and 4pm.

Get in touch to arrange a drop off


Please remember we cannot process rotten or mouldy fruit. Freshly picked, ripe fruit is best.

If you pick and store your apples before we can use them then please check for any rotten or mouldy apples. Some light bruising, stalks and leaves are all fine.

Windfall apples are fine as long as you don’t have pets roaming the garden.


Bring the apples to us.
Bring us your apples and we will give you 25% of the volume of juice as fresh juice. We will let you know when it is ready.
Bring them to: Regather Works, 57-59 Club Garden Road, Sheffield, S11 8BU

Weighing Your Fruit
When you bring your apples to us we will weigh them, this is called the ‘Dry Weight’.
We estimate that we can extract 50% of the juice from your donation and this is called the ‘Wet Weight’.

As an example
You bring us 50kg of fruit…
We guarantee that we can extract 25 litres of the juice from these apples.
You get 25% of that 25 litres bottled fresh juice when it has been pressed.

The Regather team aren’t always in the Regather Works building, please call or email us to arrange a time when you can drop off the apples. Call 0114 273 1258 or email [email protected]

I have a Large Amount of Apples – I need a lift!

If you have a large amount of apples, we may be able to offer a collection service, but in general we are only able to receive apples this year that are dropped off. To discuss this contact us at [email protected]

More questions? Check out our FAQs for more info. 

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